Ghost of White Deer
A brave, young warrior for the Chickasaw Nation fell in love with the daughter of a chief. The chief did not like the young man, who was called Blue Jay. So the chief invented a price for the bride that he was sure that Blue Jay could not pay.
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- Category: Chickasaw
Story Of The Bird Clan
This clan was not very numerous. Their origin was not known for some time, but finally it was discovered. There were some people living on two neighboring hills, but for a long time it was not thought that these had inhabitants.
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- Category: Chickasaw
Story of the Raccoon Clan
These people dressed differently from others but in most of their customs they were similar. They had a certain habit, however, in which they were unique and that was that they would kill one other.
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- Category: Chickasaw
Story Of The Red Fox Clan
- Origin: Chickasaw
Red Fox (Tcula) was once found in a cave asleep by a hunter. The hunter crept up to him and saw that it was Tcula. As he lay there asleep he looked red all over, and in consequence the hunter called him Red Fox.
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- Category: Chickasaw
Story Of The Wildcat Clan
- Origin: A Chickasaw Legend
This clan differs from other clans principally in what its members eat. They seldom go out in the daytime but roam about at night in search of food. They do not, however, try to steal. They are swift of foot and when an accident happens to them they depend on their swiftness to escape.
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- Category: Chickasaw
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