The Emergence
- Origin: Jicarilla Apache
In the beginning, the people were coming up. He made a mountain that continued to increase in height. Then he caused reeds to stand vertically in the center.
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- Category: Apache
The Fox and the Deer
- Origin: Jicarilla Apache
As Fox was going along he met a Deer with two spotted fawns beside her. " What have you done," said he, "to make your children spotted like that?"
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- Category: Apache
The Two Blind Old Women
- Origin: A Jicarilla Apache
Two old women were once cooking a pot of mush which two mischievous boys were trying to steal. Both were blind, so one sat on each side of the fire.
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- Category: Apache
The First War
- Origin: Jicarilla Apache
Raven divined to see whether people would die. First, he threw in the stick over which the skins are stretched in dressing.
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- Category: Apache
The Old Beggar
- Origin: A Jicarilla Apache Legend
There was once an old Apache who went begging from camp to camp every evening. His wife tried to reform the old beggar by playing a trick upon him.
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- Category: Apache
The Fox and the Wildcat
- Origin: Jicarilla Apache
As soon as his life was restored, Fox went to the Buffalo head, and cut off the long pendent hair, i-yûn-e-pi-ta-ga, beneath its under jaw.
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- Category: Apache
Coyote Proves Himself a Cannibal
Owl was the one who had arrows. He had a club also with which he killed men whom he ate. "Up at the low gap I am watching for men, wuu hwuu woo," he sang. Coyote came walking along in front of him.
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- Category: Apache
Turkey Makes the Corn and Coyote Plants It
- Origin: An Apache Legend
Long ago when all the animals talked like people, Turkey overheard a boy begging his sister for food.
"What does your little brother want?" he asked the girl.
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- Category: Apache
The Origin of Curing Ceremonies
- Origin: Apache Legend
This is how ceremonies started among us for the curing of sick people. Long, long ago, the earth was made. Then the One Who Made the Earth also planned for each person to have a piece of land that he could live on and call his own.
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- Category: Apache
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